Building Community Relations: Our Approach to Positive Interactions During Multiplex Construction

Toronto’s skyline is constantly changing, with new multiplexes popping up all over the city. But while these developments add to the urban landscape, they can bring challenges, particularly regarding community relations during construction. At LandLord Property and Rental Management’s Renovations division, our goal is simple: to build bridges, not barriers, with neighbours, our tradespeople, and city officials.

Recognizing the Challenges

We know construction can be disruptive. The noise, extra traffic, and unfamiliar faces can make things stressful for residents. It’s easy for community tensions to rise if developers don’t consider how their projects affect others. That’s why we’re mindful of these inconveniences and work diligently to minimize them by planning carefully and maintaining strong community relations during construction.

A New Way to Connect with Neighbors During Multiplex Construction Projects

During our first meeting with the City inspector on one of our projects, we were warned about common complaints with other developments—noise, messy sites, and unhappy neighbours.

To avoid these kinds of issues, we take a proactive approach. Before starting a new project, our supervisors and managers introduce themselves to the neighbours, share contact information, and encourage open communication. This helps us address concerns before they become problems.

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Working Together with Trades and City Officials

Our focus on transparency doesn’t stop with the community. We also collaborate closely with tradespeople and city officials to keep things running smoothly. While some disruption is inevitable, like noise during construction, we work to find solutions that benefit everyone. For example, we might suggest longer hours on certain days to speed up the project and reduce the overall disturbance.

We also make sure our tradespeople respect the neighbourhood. Even though we have a right to access properties during construction, we prioritize clear communication with neighbours to prevent misunderstandings and maintain goodwill.

Bridging Gaps With The Community

We’ve learned that a big reason communities get upset is because they don’t feel heard. At LandLord, we do more than just listen – we make sure people know we’re taking their concerns seriously. This approach builds trust and helps us create strong, positive relationships with the neighbours.

Leaving a Lasting Impression

At the end of the day, people might forget the noise or the inconvenience, but they won’t forget how we treated them. By focusing on respectful communication and being transparent throughout the process, we aim to leave a lasting positive impression that reflects well on both our company and the project.

At LandLord Property and Rental Management, we believe successful development is about more than just buildings – it’s about the relationships we build along the way.

Request a Free Project Estimate

Whether you’re looking to modernize your home, upgrade your investment property, or make custom improvements, our skilled team is here to bring your vision to life. Fill out the form and one of our renovation specialists will be in touch shortly.