Buy & Sell Real Estate | LandLord Realty Brokerage


Start Your Wealth Journey with LandLord

We help real estate investors making intelligent and strategic decisions throughout the buying and selling process. We identify high-earning investment opportunities with significant potential and facilitate the sale of properties poised to deliver substantial returns.


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Strategic Property Investments

Optimize your investments by selecting properties with substantial earning potential. We assist you in identifying the perfect neighborhood, the ideal property type, and amenities that enhance value, all aligned with your investment objectives

an illustration of beige houses, a woman and a "for sale" sign


Protect Your Profits, Sell Smart

Maximize the return on your investment property with insights and advice from our realtors.

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Investor Insights

Whether you’re a property investor looking to stay ahead of the latest trends, a property owner seeking to maximize your investment, or a newcomer to the field eager to learn the ropes, our blog is your trusted go-to source for expert advice and valuable knowledge in the world of property management.

+ Toronto Real Estate

Spring 2024 Real Estate Market Update

Discover the current state of the real estate market and how economic uncertainty is influencing...
May 27, 2024
+ Toronto houses

Diversify Your Investments with Rental Income Properties

Discover the benefits of investing in rental income properties, including consistent passive income, portfolio diversification,...
April 18, 2024
+ Multiplex Properties in Toronto

Retiring on Multiplex Rental Income

Multiplexes in Toronto can offer an opportunity to bolster your retirement fund with rental income....
March 12, 2024
+ Toronto's houses lined up in the street

Toronto’s New Non-Resident Property Tax

As Toronto adds layers of taxes to discourage foreign investment, one question arises: are they...
March 4, 2024