FAQ – Property Management Services

Property Management Fees & Services





Our clients value our online portal which offers real-time reports, photos, invoices, and financial breakdowns. Available 24/7 from any device, anywhere in the world with a highly secure, multi-factor authentication.


Your personal property manager will respond to tenant needs and emergency and non-emergency repairs and maintenance, in a timely, cost-effective, and professional manner.


Our initial detail-oriented inspection will help us highlight the features and address any pitfalls of the rental property and allow our rental experts to model strategies to maximize your returns.


We make rent collection fast and simple for landlords by making it easy for tenants. Rent is streamlined from easy payment methods to your specified accounts every month.


When your assigned property manager is not available to you or your tenants, a designated professional property manager will handle evening and weekend emergencies so you can enjoy vacations and weekends away!


Tenant management is a nuanced skill that requires experience. Our team has become experts in negotiation, conflict resolution, and tenant management in the 25+ years we’ve been in business. That’s why we maintain a tenancy success rate of over 99%!


We have a dedicated accounts receivable and accounts payable team that handle all your expenses with full transparency and rapid reporting.


We offer our clients a rent warranty program so you can easily budget and project your earnings without worry of a default tenant.


For operators of large portfolios, we offer enterprise pricing with multi-property discounts. Contact our team to learn more.


Ensure your property is fully prepared for Toronto’s harsh winter and acquire a detailed report with photos on the physical well-being and state of your rental property.


Our thorough spring inspection illuminates any pressing issues that might have arisen over winter and prepares the property for summer.


A detailed report with photos between every tenancy is an essential asset to identify damage and to reassess rental income. Our team has tools to guarantee we capture all the essential details during an inspection.


Our expert leasing team will advertise your rental property with honest but flattering marketing that will attract top tenants. Then, we’ll screen your tenant applicants and present you with tenants that fit!




Rental income tax for non-residents is complicated and destructive to get wrong. Our team will keep you informed and notified on when and what to submit to the CRA.




For those rare occasions, we’re equipped to guide you through legal turbulence.



Book a Call

To learn more about what makes LandLord the best company to manage your rental property, schedule a no-pressure call with our team. An experienced agent will contact you within 24 hours to outline how we bring on new properties, expertly market rental property, and manage tenancies and timely rent collection.

Fill out the contact form to start the conversation now.

“I had no hesitation to hire Landlord to manage my property. Great service, the price is well worth it, and I strongly recommend Landlord to any future Investors and Tenants.”

-Ralph, Property Investor

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Frequently Asked Questions

About Our Property Management Services

What’s the process if I want you to manage my property?

It’s easy: just contact us. Once you’ve reached out to us, we’ll put you in touch with one of our experienced Sales Managers. If you decide that our services are right for you, you’ll be asked to sign our standard Management Agreement and provide us with important information about your investment property. Then, we can get started!

When and how will I receive the balance of my rental income/my monthly remittance?

In general, you will receive your remittance during the first week of every month. The funds you receive will be the balance ‘left over’ from the previous month (i.e., the rent you received, minus your standard monthly fees and any other charges to your account, such as maintenance items). Your monthly payment will be deposited directly into a bank account of your choosing.

What happens when a tenant calls with an issue?

Some clients like to be involved, while others prefer to keep their distance. As we become familiar with you and your property, we will tailor our approach to meet your needs. In general, however, when a tenant has an issue, they will be instructed to come to us first. Every property we manage is assigned an Account Manager. The Account Manager for that property will be responsible for working closely with you, the client, and with the tenants. Our protocol is for tenants to go directly to their Account Manager with any questions, concerns, or maintenance items. The Account Manager can be reached by phone or e-mail. Depending on the nature of the tenant’s concern, the Account Manager will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure swift resolution.”

How do you choose your sub-contractors?

It is important to us that our sub-contractors provide our clients with swift resolutions and consistently exceptional service. Our sub-contractors are carefully hand-picked based on factors that include: how much experience they have, the quality of the work they have done (as demonstrated by their portfolio and recommendations), external ratings and reviews, their ability to effectively handle a large portfolio, and their commitment to excellence. *Please note that we only work with licensed (where applicable) trades that have confirmed enrollment with WSIB and proof of adequate insurance coverage. We are happy to use your preferred suppliers while managing your property, but we will require proof that they are properly insured and registered with WSIB.

How quickly do you resolve maintenance items? How long is your turn-around?

At LandLord, we strive to resolve urgent issues immediately. For non-urgent items, our goal is always to triage and resolve the issue as quickly and effectively as possible. While our ability to resolve issues swiftly is contingent on various factors, such as trade and tenant availability, we always strive to initiate the resolution process within the first 24 hours, and we, as a company, have taken steps to help ensure that we are always doing everything we can to get the job done. For example, we have an after-hours, on-call manager available 24/7 and have multiple suppliers for each maintenance type (e.g., plumbing, electric, general/handyman). This helps ensure that we always have someone available to help you with your needs. Additionally, our team of 25 members helps to ensure that someone is always available to assist with your concerns.

When it comes to listing my property for rental/re-rental, what makes your team different from other realtors?

Experience. Our Leasing Department is responsible for screening 80+ tenant applications per month, approaching each leasing situation with a high degree of scrutiny and attention to detail. Our team has the experience necessary to identify red flags, troubleshoot and problem-solve, and always get the job done in the best possible way.

A dedicated Tenant Screening Department. We have a dedicated tenant screening department comprised of staff who are trained to find you the best possible tenant(s) for your property.

Knowledge of current industry trends and standards. Our Leasing Department is fully up to date in terms of understanding Landlord & Tenant Board requirements and documentation, and navigating the paperwork surrounding a variety of possible leasing scenarios. In fact, we use our own, customized lease addendum (in conjunction with the standard RTA Rental Agreement) that has been designed to protect our clients’ and tenants’ interests as thoroughly as possible. At LandLord, we do everything in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act. Additionally, our comprehensive understanding of landlord-tenant relations (due in large part to our Property Management Division) allows us to navigate tenant selection with a know-how that’s hard to come by.

So much more for your money. The cost of renting through LandLord is one month’s rent + HST. The peace of mind our services afford you is priceless. At LandLord, this is what we do – we work tirelessly to connect landlords and tenants that are a good fit for one another. Additionally, because we will be managing your tenants after the lease is signed, you can rest assured that we won’t settle for anything but the best applicants.

Full-time, expert leasing staff. Our leasing staff are incredibly involved throughout the entire process. We will give you honest, transparent feedback about the applications we receive for your property and work to secure a tenancy that will be long-term. We will always do what is in the best interest of our clients and our tenants.

In-person screening. At LandLord, we will not lease a property until the applicants have seen the property in-person and been in contact with one of our leasing staff. The in-person viewing of the property is a crucial part of our process and helps to protect both you and the prospective tenants. How does it protect you? Meeting prospective tenants in-person, at the property gives our leasing staff a chance to thoroughly vet applicants, looking for red flags and warning signs that can’t be picked up from an on-paper application. This also helps ensure that applicants won’t be disappointed or dissatisfied with the property if their application is accepted (e.g., if a tenant doesn’t see the property in-person before applying to live there, they might find that it is smaller than it seemed in photos or on video, that it’s not as sound-proof or doesn’t have as much light as they thought, and so on). This vetting process is a crucial part of what helps LandLord get you lower turnover rates.

Expert-level marketing. Our Leasing Department knows how to best-list your property towards your desired outcome. We consider every detail:  which photos should be used in the listing, which websites your listing should be posted on, what verbiage will generate the desired interest in the property, and so much more. Because we also host a full-service Real Estate Brokerage, we are able to access and post to MLS as well as to private sites, like ViewIt, Kijiji, and our own Listings Page.

Exceptional knowledge of market pricing. We are constantly looking at market trends and projections to ensure that we get you the best possible price for your rental.

How do you screen tenants?

We take every possible precaution to help ensure that you get a great tenant. Within our Leasing Department, we have experts whose roles have been designed solely to help screen tenants and process rental applications. Our team of experts requires tenants to substantiate claims about their finances and employment with clear-cut, professionally-sourced documentation. What this means is that tenant applicants are expected to be able to provide us with important documentation, such as information about their credit score and credit history, a letter from their employer, pay-stubs or bank statements that can corroborate their employer’s letter, government-issued ID, and a list of references. Our experts will then verify the legitimacy of these documents and, in all cases, call each reference directly.

What is the industry-average for length of tenancy?

The average length of tenancy is 1 – 2 years.

On average, how long does it take to find a tenant?

In general, it takes about 30 days to find a suitable tenant. It is important, however, to bear in mind that the rental timeline varies from property-to-property and depends on factors such as time of year and listing price. It is also important to remember that finding a tenant is easy, while finding the right tenant can sometimes take a bit more time.

What will my role be in choosing tenants for my property? Can I accept or reject tenants?

Once we believe we have found a good applicant, we will send you an e-mail with a summary of the applicant’s information. We will not move ahead with placing a tenant without your approval. However, it is important to bear in mind the laws and guidelines surrounding when it is okay for a landlord to reject a tenant applicant – there are only a small number of reasons for which it is okay to say “no” to an applicant. For more information about this subject, please visit: http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/human-rights-and-rental-housing-ontario-background-paper

What happens if my tenant pays rent late or not at all?

In all cases, we carefully abide by the processes outlined by the Province of Ontario. Starting from our thorough financial screening and careful selection of your tenants, we do everything within our power to help ensure that your tenants will pay their rent in full and on time. Our Accounting Department keeps careful track of tenant payments. Should your rent not be received within the first few days of the month, we will take immediate action. In all cases where rent is not paid within the first few days of the month (unless the owner says otherwise), we will issue a form N4. This form compels tenants to pay their rent within a set period of time and allows for escalation if the rent is not received. If ever a tenant does not comply with a request to pay their rent, we will reach out to you to confirm whether you wish to proceed with escalation. If you give your consent, we will enlist the assistance of a licensed legal representatives to take this matter before the Landlord Tenant Board.

What insurance should I carry? Can you insure my property for me?

We require that you have full insurance coverage, including liability and replacement insurance – we will not manage your property until we receive proof that it is properly insured. Unfortunately, we are unable to insure your property on your behalf. However, to make securing your rental insurance as easy a process as possible, we have partnered with our preferred brokerage in order to offer you competitively-priced, worry-free insurance on your unit. If you have your own insurance provider or someone else in mind, that’s fine too. However, we will require proof that your property is insured before we are able to rent it. We would be happy to put you in touch with an insurance agent and/or we encourage you to reach out to a qualified insurance provider to discuss this matter further.

What additional fees and charges (i.e., not included in my monthly management fee) might come up?

  • Scheduled maintenance charges, such as snow removal, lawn care, cleaning the eavestroughs.
  • Unexpected repair charges, such as an appliance breaking, toilet repair, or electrical work.
  • Inspection fees. While one, initial inspection is included in our standard fee, we also offer a variety of other inspections:
    • Annual/Fall Inspection
    • Spring Inspection
    • Tenant Move-In and Move-Out Inspections
    • Drive-by Inspection
    • Inspections for Vacant Properties
  • NR4 fees. If you are a non-resident and would like to make use of our non-resident services, you may be charged additional fees. For more detailed information about the services we offer our non-resident clients, contact us.
  • Charges imposed by the City, such as utility redirection fees or fees relating to the collection of garbage.
  • Tenant Screening Fee. For a nominal fee of $300 + HST, you can make use of our professional tenant screening services.
  • Rental Fee. If you decide to rent your property through our Leasing Department, you will be charged a fee of one month’s rent + HST.
  • Legal fees. In the rare case that your tenants withhold rent or if you are called to the Landlord Tenant Board, you may need to pay legal fees, such as processing fees and legal representative fees.

Do you conduct regular inspections?

Yes. Depending on the type of property, we recommend at least one inspection per year, usually conducted in the fall. Conducting an annual inspection helps to protect your investment property from common risks and can help you nip unforeseen problems in the bud. Every year, we come across and address serious fire deficiencies and defective alarms, as well as less common problems, like un-authorized lock changes and illegal sublets.

What will my role be after we sign the contract?

Once the contract has been signed, we will be looking after the day-to-day management of the property on your behalf. You will be introduced to your personal Account Manager and they will always be happy to answer any questions you have and to take your feedback into consideration. Ultimately, how involved you are is up to you – you’re welcome to remain an active participant in your property’s management or to sit back and relax. Because most of our clients prefer to be minimally involved, we have designed various means of keeping our clients in the loop. For example, our custom-built Client Portal gives you live access to your financials and copies of invoices, as well as access to important documents and property inspection reports.

What should I know if I reside outside of Canada and I am collecting rent on a Canadian property?

When you receive rental income from a Canadian investment property, the payor (your tenant(s) or property manager) is obligated to withhold non-resident tax at a rate of 25% of the gross rental income received. This policy is mandated and enforced by the CRA, and the tax collected must be received by the CRA by the 15th day of the month following the month rent is received. Our team can help manage this process for you and structure your remittances in such a way that you can remit 25% of the net proceeds, as opposed to remitting 25% of the gross proceeds.

Ready to Experience Excellence in Property Management?

Whether you own residential or mixed-use properties, our experienced team is dedicated to protecting your assets and optimizing your returns.

  • Fine-tuned Tenant Selection
  • Transparent Financial Reporting
  • Expert Maintenance and Repairs
  • Rental Income Optimization
  • And More!
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